
Peruvian: Ceviche de Pescado - Ceviche of fish

Ceviche of fish

The Peruvian Ceviche de Pescado is the traditional dish par excellence in Peru. In all Latin America we can try different versions but like in Peru none. I hope you like our flagship dish and do not forget to visit the Fish and Seafood section at
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes

1 kilo of fresh and preferably non-greasy fish
1 red onion cut into julienne
1 lemon slice or in default chili pepper for those who live outside and it is impossible to find the lemon slime
10 lemons (in other countries they are called limes, they are green and small)

To decorate
1 large sweet potato or 2 boiled mediums (potato / moniato)
1 lettuce
1 tied chopped cilantro (cilantro)
1 boiled corn (cooked corn)
Salt and pepper to taste
Before starting with the instructions I want to say that there are many ways to prepare Ceviche, each one can consider adding or removing some ingredient according to their experience. I will appreciate all kinds of comments and tips to improve the recipe.

1. Cut the fish into squares of 2 to 3 centimeters, this is not a rule and depends on the type of fish, its texture and how greasy it is. It is preferable, as I have already said, to choose a fresh fish with white meat and with a strong body.

2. In a glass or metal bowl rub the lemon pepper, this is to give you the aroma of this pepper. Then you can add small chunks of lemon slice to taste, but be careful because it is very spicy.

3. Add the cut fish to the bowl and squeeze the lemons on the fish directly. The juice should almost cover the fish. Add salt, pepper to taste, half teaspoon ground garlic, onion and a little chopped cilantro.

4. Add one or two ice cubes to cool the preparation for 3 minutes.

5. Let it sit for a few minutes, this depends on the taste of each person. There are also fish that absorb the lemon faster and do not need too much time. I repeat, it all depends on the taste of each person.

6. To serve, decorate the plate with a leaf of lettuce, a few pieces of sweet potato and place the Ceviche in the center accompanied by corn.
Peruvian: Ceviche de Pescado - Ceviche of fish Peruvian: Ceviche de Pescado - Ceviche of fish Reviewed by PERU Comparte on octubre 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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